How to share state accross Van Elements
There are a few techniques we can use to share state across different Van Elements
Global state
The simplest way to share state is to create a van.state
object in the global scope, and share it between different Van Elements. You can even use VanX.reactive to create a store.
Here is a simple example:
const sharedState = van.state(0);
define("increment-state", () =>
button({ onclick: () => sharedState.val++ }, "Increment (", sharedState, ")")
define("display-state", () =>
" ",
button({ onclick: () => (sharedState.val = 0) }, "Reset")
Now this state can be modified in one place:
And displayed in a different place in the DOM!
One downside of this approach is that the state is truly global. Try to click on another item in the sidebar then back here: the counter shoud still display the same value.
Usually, it is not a big issue as global state is often suitable.
Local state
In order to achieve local shared state, we have to implement a context, similar to React Context. The context will serve state to its children (provider), which can then read its value (consumers).
Fortunately, there is a context specification we can use to turn our Van Elements into context providers / consumers. Since it's a spec, it can even allow interaction with other contexts like Lit Context.
I have not worked extensively on this solution since I don't think it is as useful. All I have is this very raw CodePen and some draft code on my computer somewhere.
If this is of interest to you, feel free to create an issue and I will polish whatever code I have to turn it into a reusable package!